What’s In Your Pants?

Where I come from, it is highly unusual for parents to have “The Talk” with their kids. You know, the one with the birds and the bees. This is because there is an unspoken yet very weighty culture of shame around sex. With the almost puritanical way sex is inserted into “necessary” conversations, it is a miracle any of us are here. One will wonder how we came to be born. 

By necessary conversations I mean usually the condemnation that comes from religious pulpits or the scaremongering tactic of the time tested phrase, “do not go near a man or you will get pregnant”. 

Needless to say, if you already cannot tell, most of these cautionary words are thrown at females to “protect” them. And so many a young girl goes into the world armed with the naivety of not wanting to get pregnant and bring shame on her family but also not knowing what it even means to procedurally get pregnant. 

For this reason, I got my very good friend Grace Faruk-Tukurah who is currently raising two beautiful daughters, to talk about the challenges and anxieties she is facing on this journey, as she prepares them for adulthood and womanhood. 

This podcast was my own way to learn from someone who is willing to be open and vulnerable, even though she was not given the necessary tools while growing up. Grace and I didn’t get “The Talk” when we were growing up but that didn’t stop us expressing all our curiosities in this conversation. 

Enjoy and join in! 

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Ulan this is nice speaking about the lack of knowledge and “fear” of one of nature’s truest processes. Thank you but the podcast is not opening fa😭😭


    1. Thanks! I wonder why it isn’t opening. Are you using phone or laptop? But it should open either way.


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